Presentation link below.
This past August, I submitted a number of works to the Sooke Fine Arts Show and Sale and was pleased that ‘Go the Distance’ was accepted and sold at the show. I was invited to make a presentation over Zoom about what my work is about and a bit about my process.
It was fun to put together a few slides of past and recent works and I found it was a good exercise to articulate what my work is about, remembering that the audience listening may have never heard of me, or know nothing about me, and or nothing about making abstract expressionist art. It’s safe to say my process is changing and evolving overtime as I am evolving. I like to experiment, take risks, try new things and then sit back and see how it feels. Some successes, some epic failures which are really just milestones and evidence of trying and moving forward. My job is to keep going because it’s the only way forward and through.
Thank you to those who logged on for the presentation. I really appreciated your interest and questions. Working alone in a studio one can feel removed from the world (perfect during a panademic) and the connection with people is so rewarding.
Here’s a link to the page on the Sooke Fine Arts Society website where the artists talks are listed. My presentation is at the very bottom of the page.
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions or comments.
How lovely to see my painting as the backdrop for the Sooke Fine Arts Show online. Thank you Sooke Fine Arts Society.