Looks like it’s gonna be a scorcher, 12 inches x 12 inches, acrylic and ink on mulberry paper on cradled birch panel, 2021. This painting is at SubText, The Message in Art Exhibition at the Metchosin Art Pod,
April 1 - May 29, 2022 $300 CAD. *Juror’s Choice Award* SOLD
November 19, 6 - 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday, November 20 & 21, and 27 & 28, 1 - 5 pm at Errant Art Space. Exhibition of new work.
Fairfield Artists Studio Tour, with Zebra Art Collective, May 2020 (postponed to September). Acrylic paintings, ink drawings and solarplate prints. Group Exhibition.
Utterance, Arc.Hive Artist Run Centre, May 2020 (Postponed until further notice). Acrylic paintings.
Beyond the Archive, GroundZero Printmakers, Feb, 2020. solarplate prints. Group Exhibition
Forged Arc.Hive Artist Run Centre, May 2019. Ink paintings with hand made tools. Group Exhibition
Winter Small Works Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Nov. 2019. Mark making with ink and hand made tools. Group Exhibition
Solar Impressions Southhampton Arts Centre, Sag Harbour, New York, Nov. 2019. Solar plate prints. Group Exhibition
In Light of Winter Chapel Gallery, Nov- Dec, 2019. Acrylic paintings. Group Exhibition with Zebra Art Collective
Beyond the archive
Ground Zero Printmakers 1989 - 2019
A 30-year retrospective of West Coast Print Culture
Victoria Arts Council
February 29 - April 4, 2020
Exhibition and Sale
Solar Impressions
The Solar Impressions Juried Exhibition was held at the Southampton Arts Center on Long Island, New York. The exhibition features works by artists using Solarplates, a scientific breakthrough of light sensitive plates, invented by Dan Welden. Over one hundred impressions were selected from more than 700 entries from across the United States, Ireland, Israel, England, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Canada, Spain, and France. The esteemed jury consisted of Laura G. Einstein, manager of the Mezzanine Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Alex Ferrone, artist and owner/director of the Alex Ferrone Gallery, Cutchogue; and Ron Pokrasso, Santa Fe artist and world printmaking traveler. Over 40 prizes were awarded by the acclaimed international artist Eric Fischl. Read more.
More photos here courtesy of Jeff Heatley East End Art and Architecture.
Group Exhibition, Arc.Hive Artist Run Centre, Victoria, BC May 2019. Mark making with ink and hand made tools.
Group Exhibition, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, BC Nov. 2019. Mark making with ink and hand made tools.
In Light of Winter: 9 Artists on Winter Solstice
Group Exhibition, Zebra Arts Collective, Chapel Gallery, Victoria, BC November 2019. Acrylic paintings.